Saturday, May 2, 2009

A lifesaver for me...

If you're a Southern gal, you know how much we love our pecans. Those little boogers can get expensive during the holidays. I buy huge bags of them from Sams and then FREEZE them. That's right, you can put those babies in the freezer, pull them out anytime you need pecans and they are perfect. I also NEVER buy chopped pecans. When you buy them in bulk, you can chop them up in your food processor or by hand. Then freeze them and pull those out anytime you need chopped pecans. I have been doing this for years and it's been such a life saver for me. I always have pecans on hand and they don't go bad this way!

Another tip:

We country girls love our green beans w/bacon. Well ok, we like black eye peas w/bacon, white beans w/ get he point. I like the flavor bacon gives things when you cook w/it. Buy a big thing of bacon, then cut the bacon stip into thirds. Lay those strips of bacon(say three pieces at a time)on a Freezer Press n Seal and seal around the bacon-individually. Put in a zip lock bag and label w/name and date. Then anytime you need bacon to flavor beans, taaa duuuuh you have it!

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